Two events are taking place on Monday, January 16, 2023, the celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr National Holiday and the Holocaust Remembrance event at Good Shepherd Catholic Church.
We all know 2023 is approaching quickly. The Gregorian Calendar is what is used internationally and is the standard now. It is based on year 1 of Jesus’ birth by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582.
Thursday, December 8th, was the semi-annual United We Stand event at SALAM, with the topic of Gun Violence.
Hearing the story of Hanukkah from the Jewish faith tradition is a story about faith, steadfastness, and receiving confirmations from Our Creator on what we do.
Our most recent panel discussion, Exploring the Sacred, Generous Listening Series, explored the topic of Fear, Despair, Thankfulness, and Hope.
We see the news reports every day – a man shot in this city.., a woman shot in this town.., 2 friends killed while…, 10 killed, 5 injured this weekend in this city… These are nameless, faceless people who are injured or killed daily in America.
On October 1, the Interfaith Council was able to join the West Sacramento Sikh Gurdwara for a program. There was a gathering of Sacramento area Christians, Muslims, Sikhs, and other faith groups to hear presentations about the persecutions of Christians, Muslims, Sikhs, and other religious minorities in India.
The Interfaith Council of Greater Sacramento felt incredibly blessed to be invited to this Interfaith Vigil Monday, October 10, at the Capitol. Sister Hansa from the Brahma Kumaris and Dick MacFarlane from Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints attended.
This field trip was organized by Rachel and Dave Lyman and the Interfaith Explorers. The goal? To learn about the temple, the site, and the Abbot who lives on the property.
Many times, after disasters such as Hurricane Ian strike, we wonder WHY? Why did this happen to us? Why did this happen to me? Is God or the Higher Power punishing me? Am I supposed to learn something from this heartbreak?