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Live Event

Power of One 2022 Celebration


Last Sunday we held our annual Power of One Event at the California Museum.  This is an annual event that honors community leaders and organizations that truly work to improve Sacramento.  We haven’t been able to hold it for 3 years so we felt so blessed in being able to hold it yesterday.

The speakers were wonderful, the Master of Ceremonies delightful and all the honorees seem truly touched for being recognized for their commitment to their chosen areas of service. Especially during these last 2 years, many non-profits and community service organizations had to shut down completely, while others had to deal with public health restrictions, social distancing, smaller outreach or going virtual.  It has truly been a hardship on all of those they serve.  So being recognized for their service, in some cases for decades, during these times felt truly special.

From my speech Sunday
“I hope we have learned during this time:
That the Creator is always present in our lives, to love, inspire and support us at all times,
That prayer and devotions can be said anywhere and at anytime, even over zoom,
How very small our world is, and how we truly are all one people, all God’s children,
How interconnected we truly are,
And hopefully, we have gained a great appreciation of our friends and family.”
As chaos, confusion and division multiply daily, let us keep our focus on the Creator, to keep our focus on His love for us.
“Know thou that, verily, the eye of favors is directed to thee and is beholding thee with a divine glance, so that thou mayest, with clear eyes, see the lights of the Kingdom upon the horizon. Remember, at all times, this great favor and thank thy Lord and supplicate to Him every day.”  Baha’i Faith

‘Power of One Awards’ Honorees
Gabby Trejo, SacACT
John Fish, Past President of ICGS
Liz Igra, Central Valley Holocaust Educators’ Network

‘Giving Back to the Community’ Awards
Kellie’s Cookies
World Relief

Serene Erby
President, Interfaith Council