June ICGS Board Meeting Open to all
June ICGS Board Meeting Open to all, email secretary@sacramentointerfaith.org for further information.
June ICGS Board Meeting Open to all, email secretary@sacramentointerfaith.org for further information.
Independence Day – National Observance Commemorates the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776.
Hijra (New Year) – Islam This is the first day of the month of Muharram which marks the time in 622 C.E. when Prophet Muhammad moved from Mecca to Medina.
Martyrdom of the Bab – Baha’i Ali Mohammed was executed in 1850 by Persian political and religious powers. Observed by abstaining from commerce and work.
Ramayana – Hindu Ramayana week begins nine days before Ramanavami, the birthday of Lord Rama. The reading of this epic is done in such a way that the reading ends on the last day of the Karkidakam Month. Fasting during this period is considered highly auspicious.
Asalha Puja Day – Buddhist Observance of the day when Gautama Buddha made his first public proclamation to five ascetics at Deer Park, Banares. He taught the noble eight-fold path and the four noble truths.
July ICGS Board Meeting Open to all, email secretary@sacramentointerfaith.org for further information.
Lammas – Christian Christian first fruits celebration observed by placing bread baked from the first harvest on the altar. From the Celtic Christian tradition. Note: The Southern Hemisphere observes this holiday on February 1st.
Lughnassad (Imbolc) – Wiccan/Pagan Wicca observance of the first harvest of the year involving agricultural festivals and prosperity magic. The Christian name of Lammas is sometimes used.
Transfiguration Sunday – Christian Christian commemoration of the experience on Mt. Tabor when Jesus’ physical appearance became brilliant as his connection with traditional Jewish holy figures became evident to the disciple
Tisha B’Av – Jewish A day commemorating the destruction of the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem in ancient times.
Obon – Shinto Japanese Buddhist festival to honor deceased ancestors. Involves lighting of bonfires, traditional meals, paper lanterns, and folk dances.