Simchat Tora – Jewish
Simchat Tora – Jewish Jewish day to celebrate the reading of the Law. Celebrates the conclusion of the annual cycle of Torah readings.
Simchat Tora – Jewish Jewish day to celebrate the reading of the Law. Celebrates the conclusion of the annual cycle of Torah readings.
October ICGS Board Meeting Open to all, email for further information.
Reformation Day – Protestant Christian Anniversary of tradition and its emphasis on the place of the Bible and religious freedom. Public observation is the Sunday before October 31.
All Hallow’s Eve – Christian Christian celebration of mystery combining prayers and merriment involving children and families. It is a prelude to All Saint’s Day.
Samhain – Wiccan/Pagan Samhain marks the end of the harvest season and the beginning of the winter half of the year.
All Saints Day – Christian and Eastern Orthodox The Catholic and Protestant churches celebrate all believers, known and unknown, alive and dead. Note: The Eastern Church observes this holiday on a different date.
All Soul’s Day (Day of the Dead) – Catholic Christian Christian day of prayers, remembrance, and intercession for the dead. Prayers of the faithful are seen as helping to cleanse the souls for the beatific vision of God in heaven.
Veterans Day –National Observance Federal Holiday celebrating military veterans.
Diwali – Hindu – Jain – Sikh The Festival of Lights commemorates the triumph of the Good over the Evil and Light over Darkness. *Note: Different branches of this religion celebrate on different days.
Birth of Baha’u’llah – Baha’i Baha’i celebration of the birth of their founder and teacher. Baha’u’llah is the Messenger of God. His teachings create the foundation of the Baha’i practice, which is the unity of people of all races and backgrounds.
Guru Tegh Bahadur Martyrdom – Sikh Time of remembering the execution of Teg Bahadur by the Moghul Emperor in Indi
Day of the Covenant – Baha’i Baha’i celebration of the covenant given in the last will and testament of Baha’u’llah.