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Rosh Hashanah – Jewish

Rosh Hashanah – Jewish Rosh Hashanah marks the beginning of the Jewish New Year. Rosh Hashana is the first of the High Holydays or Days of Awe; it is a time of prayer, reflection, and services.

Navaratri – Hindu

Navaratri – Hindu Hindu festival of the divine mother honoring Durga, wife of Shiva, and seeking her blessings. Also observed as a celebration recalling the days of Lord Krishna.

Yom Kippur – Jewish

Yom Kippur – Jewish Jewish day of atonement. This holiest day of the Jewish year is observed with strict fasting and ceremonial repentance.

Dasara – Hindu

Dasara – Hindu Hindu celebration of victory and valor. Lord Rama is remembered as winning a victory over evil.

Sukkot – Jewish

Sukkot – Jewish Jewish Feast of Tabernacles celebrates the harvest and the protection of the people of Israel as they wandered in the wilderness dwelling in tents. One of the three Pilgrimage Festivals for which Israelites were commanded to take a pilgrimage to the Temple at Jerusalem.

Birth of the Bab – Baha’i

Birth of the Bab – Baha’i Baha’i honoring the founder of the Babi religion, the forerunner to Baha’u’llah and the Baha’i faith.

Shemini Atzeret – Jewish

Shemini Atzeret – Jewish Jewish completion of the annual cycle of the reading of the Torah.  

Simchat Tora – Jewish

Simchat Tora – Jewish Jewish day to celebrate the reading of the Law. Celebrates the conclusion of the annual cycle of Torah readings.

Reformation Day – Protestant Christian

Reformation Day – Protestant Christian Anniversary of tradition and its emphasis on the place of the Bible and religious freedom. Public observation is the Sunday before October 31.

All Hallow’s Eve – Christian

All Hallow’s Eve – Christian Christian celebration of mystery combining prayers and merriment involving children and families. It is a prelude to All Saint’s Day.