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“Happy Holidays” is a term used to acknowledge the Holy Days or Holidays of the various religions from November through the beginning of January.

As diverse as Sacramento is, having mosques, temples, churches, gurdwaras, and many other places where diverse faith traditions are practiced, the Interfaith Council wants to acknowledge all faith traditions’ Holy Days in November and December.

To say “Happy Holidays” in our minds is to show respect for everyone’s beliefs!

Christmas is just one of many Holy Days people are celebrating during this Holiday Season.

11/4 – Hindu: Diwali – a five-day festival of lights celebrated by Hindus, Sikhs, and Jains across the world. It combines several different festivals to honor different gods, goddesses, harvests, new year celebrations, etc.

11/5 – Jain: New Year – This holiday follows the Diwali festival, and Jains celebrate the new year on the first day following the month of Kartika.

11/7* – Baha’i: Birthday of the Bab – honors the birth of God’s messenger in the Baha’i faith

11/8* – Baha’i: Birthday of Baha’u’llah – celebrates the birthday of the prophet-founder of the Baha’i faith

11/19 – Sikh: Guru Nanak Ji’s Birthday – commemorates the birth of the founder of Sikhism

11/29* to 12/6 – Jewish: Hanukkah  – eight-day celebration commemorates the victory of the Jews over the Syrian Greeks, which ended a period of religious persecution

12/8 – Roman Catholic: Feast of the Immaculate Conception – This day is a Roman Catholic feast that celebrates Mary’s (the mother of Jesus) conception without original sin

12/8 – Buddhist: Bodhi Day – Mahãyãna Buddhists commemorate Buddha’s enlightenment today

12/21 – Pagan and Wiccan: Yule – this holiday begins at sundown at the winter solstice as the great horned hunter god is reborn

12/25 – Christian: Christmas – the birthday of Jesus, celebrated by countries across the world

12/26 – Roman Catholic: The Feast of St. Stephen – also called Boxing Day

Thank you.
Serene Erby

Humanitarian Action Network is an all-volunteer community organization in Sacramento that works directly with helping unhoused people.

Volunteers from all over Sacramento came together on November 13 to assemble 192 backpacks with everything from wipes, ointment, and band-aids, to a rain poncho and a water bottle.  They were then going to take them out to the streets to distribute.  These people have gigantic hearts!

Please support and donate to this wonderful organization. Humanitarian Action Network, Inc. (