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I had the pleasure of attending Faith Presbyterian Church at 625 Florin Rd, Sacramento. They were having a Pocket Area Congregations Together (PACT) BBQ about climate change. PACT is 5 Christian congregations just blocks from each other on Florin Rd, and all the congregations were invited to come out for a BBQ.  PACT is working together to figure out what they can do to help fight climate change. A small effort, but for a mighty cause.

Why was I there? To introduce myself to people and to talk up the Interfaith Council. Of the 10 people I spoke to, none knew that there was an interfaith council or what it did. I was excited to be able to talk to people about our organization and what we do. I saw a lot of head nods when talking about learning and sharing and when talking about my experience with interfaith prayer services that I’ve attended.

The Interfaith Council is working on many fronts. We are asking for help from the community to join us in our efforts. We have 4 very active committees that anyone can be a part of, whether you are an ICGS member or your congregation is a member.  Please read the list of committees and contact me if you are interested in helping out!

Finance Committee: We need people experienced with grants and scholarships and short and long-range financial planning and investments.

Programs and Events Committee: We need people experienced in creating and organizing in-person activities and events. We also need ideas on programs and events for ICGS.

Membership Committee: We need people experienced with excel and mail merge, in research, and people who enjoy making phone calls to congregations.

Marketing and Outreach Committee: We need people who have connections with local govts, local non-profits, and congregations in the area.

If you would like to be a part of our interfaith efforts, please email

Thank you.
Serene Erby