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Martin Luther King and the Holocaust Remembrance

Two events are taking place on Monday, January 16, 2023, the celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr National Holiday and the Holocaust Remembrance event at Good Shepherd Catholic Church.

Why do we remember great leaders and horrific events long as they are gone or after it has happened?

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – George Santayana, The Life of Reason, 1905.

Martin Luther King Jr stood up for the civil rights of African Americans, leading to desegregation and instating new voting rights laws for African Americans. He literally changed America for the better. Recognizing him is recognizing the better side of America, the better America for every single person in the country. We need to remember the Holocaust, where an entire people were systematically scapegoated, demonized, and killed in the millions. Religious and ethnic prejudices only lead to division, hate, and violence, as we know.

It’s terrifying to hear the same hate from 80 years ago being said today.
Let us start 2023 with a new invigoration to unity and interfaith!

Serene Erby