Religious persecution is occurring more frequently in the world. People, if aware at all, would say, oh, yes, Christians are being persecuted all over the world.
But religious persecution is happening to Muslims, Baha’is, Jews, Christians, Scientologists, and many others throughout the world.
The Iranian Government has intensified its persecution of the minority Baha’i population through arrests, businesses closed, long prison sentences, homes seized and students unable to go to university because they are Baha’is.
In areas around the world, Christians are attacked and killed.
In China, the accusations of persecution against Muslims have been long-standing.
And many others too long to list.
The old US vs. THEM is as old as time. But as the earth grows increasingly smaller, the old us vs. them ideology doesn’t work anymore. Humanity as a body needs to grow up and realize that the world is too small for us vs. them. It’s only WE. We are interdependent on each other. A drought in one part of the country affects other parts. A dust storm in Europe can make its way to America. A volcano erupting can cause untold chaos to travel plans around the world.
So why can’t we see ourselves as one people? Because we are stuck in old traditions and separate people. Because we are stuck in old thinking that identifies people as different from ourselves. Because leaders of all kinds separate us in speeches, and we accept what they say as truth.
Instead, we need to expand our thinking to us being one people, one tribe, one race, and work for unity and peace.
Serene Erby