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The Power of One Event is back!

We are very excited to be back in person! It will be on May 22, 2022, at the California Museum, the Ongoing ‘Unity Center’ Exhibit site. This is a fascinating exhibit over 20 years old that explores not only our individuality but our commonality, as well.

I remember well one of the interactive activities I fell for was the Truth and Lies activity. You sit with strangers and pick a few truths, and a few lies, and people are to guess which are the lies and which are the truths. I immediately made assumptions about an older woman that I truly didn’t consciously recognize, both ageism and sexism! One of her cards read, ‘I have been in a physical fight’ and without conscious thought, I said no, that’s a lie. She answered me back that it was actually true! Only afterward, thinking about the experience, it was my implicit biases about her current age and her gender giving me assumptions that were deceiving. If it had been a young, fit man, would I have immediately said yes to him having been in a physical fight? How often do we do this in everyday life? And what repercussions and consequences occur with these types of assumptions?

Click here for the event information.

Serene Erby