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More Winter Coats for Kids!

The Interfaith Council received a grant from Aramark and the Alliance for Strong Families and Communities to buy winter coats for Sacramento kids.  And boy, did we!  A total of 61 coats were bought and delivered to Mustard Seed School, Children’s Receiving Home, and the Salvation Army!

We are so grateful to Aramark and the Alliance for Strong Families and Communities for this wonderful opportunity!!

Sometimes we look around and see few changes, especially for the better. If you lived through the late 1980s and early 1990s, two events gave everyone hope for the future. They were the collapse of the Soviet Union and South Africa forced to give up Apartheid. Under Apartheid, established in the 1940s, there was segregation of whites and blacks, banning interracial relationships, taking black-owned land and giving it to whites, and providing opportunities only for the minority whites in the country, leaving the majority blacks in utter poverty. A new constitution, new enfranchisement laws, and new elections in 1994 officially ended Apartheid. Archbishop Desmond Tutu became famous before and after 1994 as a champion of racial justice in his count. He recently died at age 90, leaving a tremendous legacy of fighting for universal human rights, his humor, and candor.