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Winter Coats for Kids Deliveries!

The Interfaith Council recently received a grant from the Alliance for Strong Families and Communities and Aramark to buy winter coats for kids in Sacramento!

This was a huge boon for our council, hopefully, the first of many such grants!  We were so excited to be able to help Sacramento kids brave the freezing cold, many of whom are unhoused.

We ended up delivering 27 coats to the kids at Mustard Seed School adjacent to Loaves and Fishes and 14 coats to the Sacramento Children’s Receiving Home.  We had a staff member from Councilmember Katie Valenzuela join us at Mustard Seed and Councilmember Rick Jennings say a few words at the Children’s Receiving Home.

And we are not done yet!!  We have more coats to be delivered!

Serene Erby