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The Interfaith Council of Greater Sacramento is against hate in any form against any people, group, religion, or religious group. We stand firm in our views of love and respect for everyone, regardless of gender, sexuality, race, nationality, culture, or religion. There can be no hate in people’s hearts if they love God.

Serene Erby
Interfaith Council

From the Jewish Federation of the Sacramento Region

You may have heard recent reports of anti-Semitic and homophobic fliers found scattered across Carmichael, including at a local elementary school. The Federation and our JCRC were alerted to these hateful and disgusting fliers on Tuesday morning by a concerned community member and were immediately in contact with the FBI and the Hate Crimes Task Force of the US Attorney’s Office. We have also connected with the leadership of the San Juan Unified School District, as well as alerted our local synagogues and agencies.

“These symbols of anti-Semitism are disturbing, destructive, and dangerous. They upset community harmony and tolerance and create fear and strife. When Jews, or the LGBTQ community, or any other groups are attacked, nobody is safe. An attack on one is an attack on us all. Failing to stand up is a de facto validation of these terrible acts. That’s why we fight back and take action today,” said Bruce Pomer, President of the Jewish Federation of the Sacramento Region.

In response to these incidents, the Federation and the JCRC are monitoring both the situation and the investigation by local law enforcement agencies, as well as communicating with the school district on ways to educate and prevent such hurtful and hateful incidents from happening.

“Shining a light on these acts of anti-Semitism, bigotry, and intolerance against any group is key to fighting hate in our communities. We will ensure to keep the dialogue open between the Jewish community and other minority or targeted groups, to quickly catch attacks like the dissemination of fliers, so as not to normalize such acts or allow escalation to violence,” said Sharon Rogoff, Chair of the Jewish Community Relations Council.

The Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office news release can be found here. If you have any information regarding these incidents or find additional fliers, please contact the Federation immediately.

“While we hate that these incidents continue to occur, we know that anti-Semitism and anti-Semitic attacks are on the rise. Thankfully we remain prepared, and we are grateful for the support of the community, our friends, and our partners in law enforcement and local schools in helping to deal with these awful situations when they do arise. We will continue to work together toward eradicating hate from our region,” said Federation CEO Willie Recht.